Understand My Risk

Almost 35% of adults in Nebraska have prediabetes. Most don’t know it. Take the first step to understand your risk.

Risk test powered by the American Diabetes Association & Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are my test results confidential?

Yes. Unless you consent to share your results with a local health educator, your results are confidential. The Diabetes On Track team will have access to aggregate level data but not individual results.

What if I am at high risk? What happens then?

Right after taking the risk test, you will be given an option to connect with a local health educator. We also encourage you to check in with your primary health care provider. Only a doctor can diagnose prediabetes or diabetes.

Are there resources for people already diagnosed with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes?

Yes! We encourage you to contact your local health care provider or your local Health Department to connect with community resources.


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