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South Heartland District Health Department

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Community Health Assessment (CHA)

March 17, 2025

Public Health System

Why We Assess Our Community?

The purpose of the community health assessment (CHA) is to describe the current health status of South Heartland District, identify and prioritize health issues, better understand the range of factors that impact health, and identify assets and resources that can be mobilized to improve the health of our residents.  The prioritized health issues are addressed within the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP).  Formal community health assessment planning happens across South Heartland District every three years.

How Do We Assess Our Community?

Mobilizing for Action through Partnerships and Planning (MAPP) is a partner-based framework that emphasizes partnership with all sectors of the public health system to evaluate health status, identify priority areas, and develop plans for implementation. South Heartland leads our district-level assessment using a modified MAPP process. In 2024, SHDHD used MAPP 2.0.  MAPP 2.0 (Mobilizing for Action through Planning and Partnerships) is a simple, three-phase process that helps us learn about our community’s health, strengths, and needs. It also helps us work together to plan and carry out actions that make our community a healthier place for everyone.

Phase 1: Build the Community Health Improvement Foundation

First, we bring together community partners—such as schools, hospitals, local groups, and neighbors—to share ideas and resources. We figure out our common mission, look at what we already have (like data and programs), and set goals so we can address health problems and inequities together.

Phase 2: Tell the Community Story

Next, we gather more detailed information by using three types of assessments:

     · Community Partners Assessment (looking at our local organizations’ strengths and what they can do together),

     · Community Status Assessment (checking facts and figures about health and social conditions), and

     · Community Context Assessment (listening to people’s stories and experiences about living here).

From these assessments, we learn what is affecting our health, where gaps may be, and how we can focus on what matters most.

Phase 3: Continuously Improve the Community

Finally, we create and carry out plans that tackle the biggest issues and keep making progress. We use data, update our plans, and work with our partners to make sure our actions truly make a difference. This ongoing process helps us stay on track, improve what we do, and ensure our community grows healthier over time.

CHA Reports

Community Health Improvement Plan

Our services are guided by the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP). The CHIP is developed from the Community Health Assessment (CHA), including a survey and focus groups, that is conducted every six years. With the help of community collaborators, the CHA data informs the goals we will prioritize over the next six years. The CHIP details the interventions we plan to implement toward reaching those goals.

The current CHIP began in 2019 and concludes in 2024. The plan focuses on five priorities, each of which is monitored by its own steering committee.

2023 Annual Report  2021 Annual Report

 2022 Annual Report  


Following are the five CHIP goals for 2019 - 2024:

Access to Health Care

Improve access to comprehensive, quality health care services by addressing identified gaps in services and barriers to accessing care.

English    Español 

Mental Health

Improve mental health through prevention and by ensuring access to appropriate, quality mental health services.

English    Español

Substance Misuse

Reduce substance misuse/risky sue to protect the health, safety and quality of life for all.

English    Español

Obesity & Related Health Conditions

Reduce obesity and related health conditions through prevention and chronic disease management.

English    Español


Reduce the number of new cancer cases as well as illness, disability and death caused by cancer.

English    Español