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  • Michele Bever, PhD, MPH, Executive Director
    Michele Bever, PhD, MPH, Executive Director

    Works with the Board of Health and South Heartland Staff to carry out the ten essential services of Public Health, to determine public health priority goals, and to ensure implementation and evaluation of programs designed to support these goals.

  • Janis Johnson, RN, BSN, Standards and Performance Manager
    Janis Johnson, RN, BSN, Standards and Performance Manager

    Janis is responsible for leading South Heartland’s accreditation efforts toward continuous quality and performance improvement of services provided. She is also an Immunization Nurse for the Vaccine for Children Program at South Heartland’s Hastings/Adams County Immunization Clinic.

  • Kelly Derby, MBA, Finance and Operations Manager
    Kelly Derby, MBA, Finance and Operations Manager

    Kelly is responsible for ensuring effective, efficient, and accurate financial and administrative operations of the health department.

  • Brooke Wolfe, Grants & Staffing Manager, Public Health Promotions and Prevention Supervisor
    Brooke Wolfe, Grants & Staffing Manager, Public Health Promotions and Prevention Supervisor

    Brooke manages South Heartland's grants and subawards, assuring progress on work plans and timely reporting. She is a supervisor for the Health Promotions staff and the Prevention staff, including program manager for the Healthy Families Nebraska Heartland program.

  • Samantha Coutts, Clerical Assistant, Finance & Operations
    Samantha Coutts, Clerical Assistant, Finance & Operations

    Sam assists the Finance & Operations Manager by providing clerical support and expertise in key areas of grants management, accounting, purchasing, and human resources. She also provides clerical support for special projects and general administrative support for the department.

  • Heidi Davis, Community Health Worker
    Heidi Davis, Community Health Worker

    Heidi is our community health worker who provides dental health education in Adams, Clay Nuckolls, and Webster counties, targeting populations of all ages. We strive to educate parents, children, older adults, and caretakers on healthy oral care habits, including what causes cavities and how diet can affect oral health, proper brushing, and flossing methods, as well as how to care for teeth as we age. Additionally, Heidi is the primary contact for lead poisoning prevention in children, encouraging screening, educating parents, and working with health care providers. She also works with Long Term Care Facilities - providing them with tools to prevent disease outbreaks and providing best practice guidance.

  • Devi Dwarabandam, BDS, MPH, Health Surveillance Coordinator
    Devi Dwarabandam, BDS, MPH, Health Surveillance Coordinator

    Devi is responsible for South Heartland's disease investigations, responding to food-borne or other disease outbreaks and following up on suspected and confirmed cases of reportable diseases such as pertussis (whooping cough), hepatitis, or Norovirus. He also monitors and tracks diseases and health risks in the 4-county district to help us prioritize our prevention efforts and demonstrate that we are making a difference.

  • Lauren Hauser, Program Assistant - Environmental Health
    Lauren Hauser, Program Assistant - Environmental Health
  • Kylene Hayes, CMA (AAMA), Program Assistant - Immunization
    Kylene Hayes, CMA (AAMA), Program Assistant - Immunization
  • Chris Junker, Program Assistant - Health Promotions & Prevention Efforts
    Chris Junker, Program Assistant - Health Promotions & Prevention Efforts
  • Jean Korth, MS ED, Program Assistant - Health Literacy & Chronic Disease Prevention
    Jean Korth, MS ED, Program Assistant - Health Literacy & Chronic Disease Prevention

    Jean leads South Heartland's health literacy activities - helping the Department meet the 10 attributes of a health literate organization so that our clients, partners and other stakeholders can understand and use the information we provide. She also supports SHDHD's efforts to prevent heart disease and stroke in South Heartland residents.

  • Erik Meyer, Emergency Preparedness & Response Coordinator
    Erik Meyer, Emergency Preparedness & Response Coordinator

    Erik helps our communities prepare for emergencies, working with community partners to develop and test plans for responding to and protecting our residents from health threats such as pandemic influenza. Erik works closely with other agencies and organizations within the Health District and across Nebraska, including county emergency management agencies, hospitals, Medical Reserve Corps, and Tri-Cities Medical Response System (TriMRS).

  • Tam Pauley, RN Program Nurse - Drug Overdose Prevention
    Tam Pauley, RN Program Nurse - Drug Overdose Prevention

    Tam helps educate the community about drug overdose prevention and NARCAN use to prevent fatal drug overdose. She also helps identify resources in the community for substance use prevention and shares resources with community partners and the public.

  •  Jessica Warner, MPH, Project Specialist
    Jessica Warner, MPH, Project Specialist

    Jessica is a lifestyle coach for South Heartland's evidence-based National Diabetes Prevention Program called Smart Moves and the related online diabetes prevention program called HALT. Jessica is a member of the Diabetes on Track - Hastings Coalition. She is also a certified lead hazard risk assessor and contributes to South Heartland's lead poisoning prevention initiatives.

  • Luisa Najera Torres, Community Health Worker
    Luisa Najera Torres, Community Health Worker

    As a bilingual (Spanish/English) community health worker, Lusia works to engage our communities and empower individuals to access health care and make decisions about their health. She works with South Heartland’s Immunization Program and the Communications Team to reduce health disparities and increase health equity.

  • Carrie Watson, RN, BSN, Community Health Nurse, Immunization Clinic Manager
    Carrie Watson, RN, BSN, Community Health Nurse, Immunization Clinic Manager

    Carrie manages South Heartland's Hastings/Adams County Immunization Clinic services to improve community protection against measles, pertussis, tetanus, influenza and other vaccine-preventable diseases, through the Vaccine for Children and Vaccine for Adults programs.

  • Oliver Wolfe, Receptionist
    Oliver Wolfe, Receptionist

Healthy Families America

  • Carrie

    Carrie is nurse and one of South Heartland’s home visitors for the Healthy Families Nebraska Heartland program. As a home visitor, Carrie enrolls families into the program and works with them in the home to promote positive parent- child interactions, healthy attachment and partner with the parents to feel more confident in raising a child. Carrie also connects families with local resources.

  • Kelly

    Kelly is one of South Heartland’s home visitors for the Healthy Families Nebraska Heartland program. As a home visitor, Kelly enrolls families into the program and works with them in the home to promote positive parent-child interactions, and healthy attachment and partner with the parents to feel more confident in raising a child. Kelly also connects families with local resources.

  • Michele

    Michele is a nurse and one of South Heartland’s home visitors for the Healthy Families Nebraska Heartland program. As a home visitor, Michele enrolls families into the program and works with them in the home to promote positive parent- child interactions, healthy attachment and partner with the parents to feel more confident in raising a child. Michele also connects families with local resources.

  • Tami

    Tami is a nurse and serves as the Healthy Families Nebraska Heartland program supervisor. She works with the home visitors to ensure they are supported in their role. Tami serves as the liaison between the community and the home visitors. Tami works directly with the program manager to implement the home visiting program as directed by the national office of Healthy Families America.