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Scrubby Bear

My name is Scrubby Bear®. I am the symbol of a national campaign by the American Red Cross to remind children, parents, health care personnel, daycare providers and educators that infection can be combated through frequent hand-washing.

Since January 2004, the South Heartland District Health Department, in cooperation with the Mid-Rivers Chapter of the American Red Cross, has taken Scrubby Bear® on the road to daycare, preschool and Head Start facilities in Adams, Clay, Nuckolls and Webster counties! Through songs, visual aids, demonstrations and games, Scrubby Bear® and his helpers educate children, parents and facility providers about how to prevent the spread of germs by practicing proper hand-washing techniques and good personal hygiene.

For more information or to schedule a visit from Scrubby Bear’s® contact the South Heartland District at (877) 238-7595. And remember…

“Don’t get sick. Wash up quick with Scrubby Bear®!”